domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

Practice Test 1: Mind Maps and Timelines


Mind Maps:

1. Go to the school's home page site and create a mind map with all that the school has to offer,

    categories and subcategories. It's the top menu on the site.

2. Create another mind map about out-of-school activities for this school year.


3. Create a timeline about the history of Lakua School through pictures. The pictures should be

    explained and referred to their own time and date.

When you finish the three tasks, you should zip all three of them and upload the resulting zipped file, with your name on it, to our Moodle platform. There's a special place for that.

That's all for now, folks. Good luck with the practice test!

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Here we begin a new tool: Digital Walls or Posters. We're going to use Click here to sign up for a 30-day trial period:

I have created a team for all of us. Its name is Lakua Hauspoa Team.

Tutorials to get to know the tool:

Tutorial 1Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2

Tutorial 3

Tutorial 4

Tutorial 5 (a little bit too long)

Look at the following samples. Recreate them one by one.

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

One more tool to work with. It's called Piktochart, for the creation of infographics.

Go here:

Sign up, it's pretty easy and simple and watch the following tutorials:

Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2

Tutorial 3

Tutorial 4

Tutorial 5

Tutorial 6

Tutorial 7 (in Spanish)

Now you have to reproduce the following ones:

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Now we move on to Timelines. A timeline can be described as the chronological representation of events around a main topic.

Selected Timeline App: DIPITY

A great tool for the creation of timelines. The web page:

You have to join the community, that is to say, register with them. It's easy, free and quick.

Watch now the following tutorials:

1. Tutorial (Spanish) 

2. Tutorial (English) 

3. Collaborative Work (English) 

We are ready now for work.

1. The Great Fire of London Timeline


1. Order the events. Click here to download it!

More resources, videos, you can get here .

2. Nelson Mandela Timeline


1. Download this PowerPoint about his life and work

2. Move all the information to the timeline.

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Today I'm showing you a few more examples of good mind maps.

1. About irregular verbs in English. Recreate it using Mind42 and upload it to our Moodle platform.

2. About the present simple tense in English. Recreate it using Mind42 and upload it to our Moodle platform.

3. Do the following mind map now: 'Writing an essay in English'
    1. Categories: -introduction
                           -explaining why
                           -expressing contrast
    2. Give five examples for each category
    3. Include icons and use colour
    4. Upload it to our Moodle platform

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Now we are ready to begin with our chosen tools. The first one, regarding mind maps, is Mind42. This is the web site address:
1. Register (don't worry, it is free and a short one).

2. Watch the following tutorials: 
   1. Tutorial 1
   2. Tutorial 2
   3. How to create a mind map in 4 steps: Mind Map
   4. You have lots of mind maps on this web site:
   5. You can search for mind maps on

3. From within Mind42, have a look at these mind maps:
       1. Die Familie (in German) by martafb
       2. Gefühle auf Deutsch  (also in German) by tumanien
       3. Visiting London  by jadit

4. 1 Now you are going to create one:
       Name: natural resources
       Categories and subcategories:
       1. Earth: Food: Greengroceries/Fruit/Legumes
       2. Water: Seas/Rivers/Lakes
       3. Animals: Wild/Tame
      4. Plants: Grasses/Bushes/Trees
      5. Minerals: Coal/Oil/Iron/Gold
      Add photos and video links, and notes.

4.2 Now you have to recreate the following two:
       1. Gardner's Multiple Intelligences: Click here
       2. English Verb Tenses: Verb Tense Mind Map

When you are done, you have to upload them to our Moodle platform.

sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014

Hauspoa is ready!

Welcome to Hauspoa!

This is the beginning of the school year at Hauspoa and I've already got something for you ready. Shall we begin straight away?
This article that follows puts forward the idea of representing knowledge through a number of online multimedia tools.
Click here to get it:
Aprender a representar el conocimiento: 28 herramientas online para la competencia digital

What follows is the list of all the tools that make up all the categories. We are only going to choose a selected few as token for the whole.
Formato de representaciónCaracterísticasHerramientas o recursos web
Mapas mentales o esquemas conceptualesRepresentación verboicónica de los elementos, rasgos y atributos de conceptos o ideas clave estableciendo las correspondencias o enlaces entre   los mismos, pudiéndose realizar clasificaciones y jerarquíasMind42
Líneas de tiempoRepresentación de hechos, datos o fenómenos de un tema o acontecimiento estableciendo una ordenación cronológica o histórica de los mismos. Sobre cada hito  o evento relevante pueden establecerse enlaces a otras informacionesDipity
InfografíasRepresentación de las ideas o datos claves de un concepto, tema o fenómeno presentándolos  visual y gráficamente en un formato de
Posters o murales digitalesRepresentación mediante imágenes de hechos, ideas o datos enlazándolos con recursos o espacios web de origen formado un mural o poster digital interactivoEduGloster
Mapas geográficosRepresentación en formato de mapa o formato topográfico de cualquier tipo de contenido o información pudiendo también ser interactivosGeocommons
Stat Silk
Nubes de palabrasRepresentación en formato gráfico de palabras, términos, vocablos, conceptos, … de un textoTagxedo
Diagramas y gráficos estadísticosRepresentación en formato gráfico (con múltiples formas bien de tabla, de diagrama de barras, de círculos, …) de datos de tipo numérico en función de ciertas variablesHohli
Many Eyes
Presentaciones multimedia onlineRepresentaciones de ideas y discursos que combinan formatos de expresión textual con gráficas y audiovisuales a modo de diapositivas. Estas pueden ser secuenciales, o en formato zoomPrezi
Google Docs/Drive